Wednesday, December 07, 2005

ABC is in preproduction on a new mini-series about the Holocaust. Nothing new there. There's been a lot of tellings over the past couple decades as the last of the survivors of the Holocaust are dying. But there's something special about this particular story, it's not that is about a particular girl, or her husband to be, or their amazing story of escape that failed only to have to try to survive in German occupied Holland from 1940 to the end of the war. It's not about anything having to do with that story or the making of it. It's about who will produce this movie. ABC is in talks with Mel Gibson's production company, founded to create Passion of the Christ, so that the controversy will bring in more viewers.
First, the justified crap to get it out of the way: I will always defend freedom of speech and expression. And I would hate my government if it ever tried to censor even the likes of Mel Gibson. I believe in the free market and I believe in the capitalism that comes with it and if that means we get a lot of what I don't agree with, then that's the price I pay. I have to have faith that common sense and decency will win out in the end (though this has not been happening so much these past 5 years.)
I saw the Passion illegally downloaded, 'cause how do you boycott a movie you haven't seen but how do you boycott a movie once you've paid? Aside from the fact that this really isn't a good movie, just a lot of torture and eerie scenes, I dislike the movie for the message it's passing on. Mel Gibson is a member of the Catholic Church from before Vatican II. He even built a church on his property because there is no one around who practices like he does. But I look to his father most of all for Mel's views. Because it's easy to not say things and therefore not reveal your true self, but when you don't deny things, that's the way into how you really think. Mel's father has said the Holocaust never happened, that it's made up. And Mel has gone far enough to say that there were lots of atrocities in WWII and that Jews died just like everybody else died and Jews did die in concentration camps. But right there he is making the holocaust the same as political assassinations or soldiers dying on the field or innocents being bombed during a battle, and not the planned extinction of a race. Plus he went out of his way to say, and here is the key part, that his father never lied.
So why am I putting two and two together? Messed up point of view with a bad movie? Because there is an agenda behind it. He made that movie to spread his message of what he thinks life/god/everything is really like, which as I said before is his right to do, but it is my right to boycott it and to boycott the rest of his works so that I send my message that I disapprove. That I will defend his right to say it is one thing, but to condone it, to approve of it, to let it go by without me saying my piece, that will never happen. Which brings me back to ABC who is simply, as they have even stated, using his religious controversy to increase ratings. All ABC is doing then is condoning Mel's view along with their Holocaust movie. Granted he'll have nothing to do with the making of the series but putting his name on it, what purpose does that serve? They think it will bring the Christian community that believes in what Mel is doing to the idea that the Holocaust happened and here's some of its story? What kind of irony is it when you get a person to back something they don't believe in so that others will believe more in him? And what does that do to the original message?
If this turns out to be something good it'll be like watching Hitler have to give the gold medal to Jesse Owens. Watching something wrong having to do something right, Mel having to come out and push for a more respectful view of the Holocaust. And the way this is playing out that is not going to happen. And if this turns out bad, it will be like the family that turned in Anne Frank so they wouldn't get into trouble. It will be us, the Jewish community and everyone else who believes in keeping what really happened alive, dropping our principles for the sake of vanity, for the sake of the limelight of controversy at the expense of what we believe in.


At 12:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting post, Jaime, particularly about how Mel Gibson's company may produce the Holocaust movie -- where did you hear about this? I haven't seen anything on it. I think it's a little deplorable that ABC would use the controversy surrounding anti-Semitism and Mel Gibson to promote its Holocaust movie, but creating controversy to promote something for financial gain, however unethical, is unfortunately nothing new in our society.

I know I may have spoken to you about this before, but I'm still a little confused about the reason for your boycott of Mel Gibson's movies. You say that it is the message that he is trying to spread that makes the Passion offensive to you. Could you clarify exactly what this offensive message is?

I want to make something perfectly clear before I go on, before those of you reading this who do not know me like Jaime does respond to try to personally attack me:
1) I am NOT an anti-Semite. I have many great Jewish friends, like Jaime, and my girlfriend is Jewish.
2) I think Mel Gibson is a religious fanatic, and based on his past statements, I can find it easy to understand why the Jewish community wouldn't trust such a man.
3) I am not a Christian, though I once was, and so am very familiar with the Bible story the Passion is taken from.

So why is the Passion offensive to you? Is it the violence? That is certainly a valid reason, although not the reason that I think you are offended by it. I agree that the Passion was way, way too violent, and to quote Stan from South Park: "Dude, that wasn't a movie, it was a snuff film."

Is it the fact that Gibson is religous, and is just trying to promote Christianity by making it? If you feel this way, I would expect you to boycott any other movie with overtly Christian overtones. Or is it that you feel the movie was overly anti-Semitic? If it is that, I think you may have misunderstood the story that was portrayed by the movie. The central tenet of Christianity is that Jesus' death absolved people's sins, and permitted him to be resurrected and thus show that when we die, we don't actually die. It therefore doesn't matter WHO was responsible for his death, the important fact is that he died, and he was supposed to die. Contrary to some beliefs, Gibson did not "add in" the part about the Jews being involved in Jesus' death. If you look at the Bible, it contains passages that describe that the Pharasees distrusted Jesus and so wanted a way to get rid of him to concentrate their own power, that he was beaten after being captured, that Pontius Pilate was sympathetic to Jesus' case, and that the crowd of people shouted at Pilate to "crucify him." So on all these points, Gibson's movie followed what is in the Bible. Unfortunately, some throughout history have seized on these events to say that the Jews killed Jesus, and therefore should themselves suffer. These people completely missed the point of the story, and of the Christian message in general, and unfortunately it has caused a rift between Christians and Jews for centuries.

Is it the story itself that you find anti-Semitic? If so, for reasons I explained above, you must also concede that the Bible story of Jesus' death is anti-Semitic, as Gibson's version stays pretty close to Biblical scripture.

Or is it because of Gibson's controversial statements, he is an anti-Semite, and you don't support the work of such people? If so, that's perfectly valid, but Gibson did not make the Passion to spread an anti-Semitic message and teach us to hate Jews. I think he made it to spread the general Christian message that Jesus died for people's sins.

As I explained above, I am not a Christian, and so do not share Gibson's views, especially because he is a nut and not sympathetic to Jewish suffering and genocide during the Holocaust. However, I do think we need to be fair when we give reasons for boycotting someone's creation, however nutty they may be. I found an article that perhaps more eloquently illustrates my point at

At 5:29 PM, Blogger Jaime Schwarz said...

Good stuff, once again good stuff. Well no worries about other boycotts. I enjoyed The Last Temptation of Christ very much, book and movie. And Narnia I will enjoy too and that's a vailed Christian story too. The difference is Mel is prostheletizing, and the others are meditating on their ideas. And you know how I love to meditate on ideas there Nicky boy. The thing is, having come to understand what Mel's ideas are and what he wants to spread, it doesn't matter that he stuck to what happened in the Bible. I know this is a horrible exageration, but it's like watching Triumph of the Will, and in German too. It's all good stuff, impressive but because I know where the message is coming from, just cause it looks Kosher, doesn't mean it's in. So I guess it's kinda your first guess and you last for what I'm boycoting. He's an anti-semite and it's that HE'S promoting christianity as opposed to someone who believes in a christianity I can get behind, if you know what I mean. Good article by the way, almost as articulate as you.

At 3:27 PM, Blogger gina said...

Mel Gibson is a zealot who believes his own wife (whom he has cheated on repeatedly) is going to Hell because she refuses to convert to his little church and become his version of a Catholic. It is sad that someone as close-minded as this has the wherewithal to produce that spectacle of a movie that shows HIS vision of what happened. The Passion appeared to me to be beautifully shot. I still have not seen it - I refuse to watch it - I am getting this information from the trailers. Gorgeous angles and gut-wrentching scenes does not make it the truth.

I appreciate that Nick is a friend of yours - I do - but even he is going with conventional church teachings on Jesus. I believe Jesus came here to live as a man, died for us, and offers us his forgiveness. He did not ever say that you could sin and be off of the hook. Mel Gibson is a rampant womanizer who has the nerve to think he knows who will go to Hell and who won't.

If you ACTUALLY READ your Bible, Jesus stated that GOD is in charge of that, not man. And, ironically, JESUS WAS A JEW! Nowhere in his teachings did he do away with ANY Jewish tradition or religious tenants. He kept all of them. PAUL and subsequent Christian leaders slowly pulled away the Jewish law from the Christian religion.

In my opinion, Mel Gibson follows "Paulinity" because those letters are the basis for most of Catholism. Which is the basis for most modern Christian churches. Most modern Christians today have not bothered to read their Bibles and just spout what their church leaders purport. It is very sad.

This is how people can excuse away facts. They accept what others tell them. They slowly turn away from the hard truth and in their minds they slowly let it become something less because it requires something from them otherwise.

True Faith requires your participation. You have to THINK and understand how your actions affect the world. If we allow someone else to dictate what our FAITH is, such as a church leader or a charming ACTOR, then it is easy to let others tell you what to think about everything else.

Mel Gibson believes that most of us are going to Hell. But, because he has so much money, he can put his opinion out there like a virus. Most people don't pay attention to this and are SHEEP.

This is how history can be forgotten. This is how facts are changed and the general public can come to believe in a lie. You have to be vigilant. You have to pay attention to what people in leadership roles are saying. If you don't, then you might unwittingly be a part of the next group that colludes to destroy innocent people.

At 9:06 PM, Blogger Jaime Schwarz said...

Wow, ok, Shopping Diva, you are my new Jerry Falwell, I will follow you and give you my dollars when you are on tv and have a 1800 number for me to call.
I totally agree about Paulinity and such. Considering the bible wasn't finished until over 300 years after Jesus, the cross wasn't adopted as a symbol till then, and the holy trinity wasn't invented till then either, you hit the nail on the head, no pun intended. And all the great books of the bible that were thrown out by the church, Thomas for one, but so many others that had more words of Jesus to help outweigh the words that came after he left.
It's fun being a secular jew, but there's so much I miss not devoting more time to some of the most read passages of all time.
Keep on preachin' Sister Gina!


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