Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Who's going to be the new Gerald Ford?

It's starting, you can see the wheels turning. Right after winning reelection in 1972 Vice President Spiro Agneu got taken down. He was a naughty boy and deserved it. So in came VP Gerald Ford, one of the nicest people left in Washington to make everything go down easy again. Then there came Watergate and we got the only man to be VP and President without ever beng elected to either. Now in 2005 Cheney is being distanced from Bush, it's only a matter of time before PlameGate hits him Squa' in the nuts. And with his backroom dealings trying to keep torture in the rule books his low approval rating is sealed. It was always supposed to be like this. We always believed him when he said he'd never run for president cause honestly, who'd vote for this guy. Now we know why. He knew he could only take it to the edge if he wereready for the step down so some guy could sweep in and keep Republicans safe again in the '08 ticket. Will it be Colin Powell? John McCaine? Even Condi? This will be one case of history repeating itself I'll be ready for.


At 3:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I see you've become quite the conspiracy theorist. Is someone leaving you clues in your morning paper? :)

At 11:50 AM, Blogger Jaime Schwarz said...

It was you Nick wasn't it, you've been slipping something in my NY Times every morning. Come to think of it, I've been hearing this high pitch coming from my right molar...


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