A little behind schedule
Only 12 and a half years after the fact, a jury has found The Port Authority, those guys who own the WTC site and handle NY,NJ transit negligent in the 1993 terrorist attack on the WTC. Not 9/11, the February 1993 van explosion in the lower parking level. There are tons of lawsuits pending waiting on such a fault to be declared. I guess we'll all just have to wait till 2013 for justice to be had for 9/11.
On a separate note on the same issue, the jury, in some weird way, has found the Port Authority 67% guilty and the terrorists only 33% guilty for the attacks. That's a majority of the blame for falling asleep on the job and a minimal amount of blame for the actual bombers who actively decided to cause us harm. Does anyone else see the problem here?
"Well officer she was in the bad part of the neighborhood and in a skirt so she was at the wrong place at the wrong time so I should only be found 33% guilty of robbing and raping her." So keep wearing that hood home from work concha and Em, I hope we get you a new place soon.
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