President Bush has furthered the real conservative movement despite himself.
Although Bush has taken conservatism and turned it on its head through bigger spending, nation building, and sticking the government's nose where it doesn't belong, a movement is happening. It is the same movement that would be happening had a true conservative leader of the free world been our president now. The point of conservativism is to let others, the local governments and the private sector rule as they see fit. The federal government should only be there when it absolutely has to be, because we, the people, can do it better. But it is because of Bush's incompetence in some areas, and negligence in others, and not his leadership that the private sector and local governments have stepped up to the plate. Governers are taking a more active role than they ever have before, joining forces to pass higher minimum wages and stiffer emmission standards where Bush has wither let them slide or weakened them further. The One Campaign along with the Live8 concert moved the G8 summitt in a much more productive direction. And people like Bill Gates and ex-president Clinton are taking on world health and peace problems with a furver worthy of the man who should sit behind the desk of The Oval Office. Of course I am no conservative, in the true or Bush sense of the word. I believe our government can act and be productive as many great individuals and NGO's do. But there are positive points to be made about what conservatives fight for every day. And it makes it even harder to understand why anyone in our country, conservative or liberal would not want this president gone now.
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