It's a good thing '77 is a drink cause here come the 7's
Cause I can't please Ms. Brown with a root for the Texans, here's what she's been asking for...
7 things I want to do before I die:
1. Get the obvious over with, write a book
2. Write for The Daily Show
3. Find "her"
4. Have a conversation with Steve Martin
5. Finish my dad's book with him
6. Learn to ride a motorcycle
7. Get a job
7 things I cannot do
1. Sing
2. Play any instrument
3. Keep a beat
4. Dance (at least without alcohol or I dance like everyone in O Brother Where Art Thou)
5. Any other musical related activities most Jews just can't do
6. Survive if Jason comes after me
7. Art Direct
7 things I say most often
1. Uh huh
2. Washup
3. Holy Guacamole
4. No it isn't
5. Did you know...
6. Actually...
7. WTF mate
7 things that attract me to the opposite sex
1. Red Hair
2. Brains
3. Boobs
4. Booty
5. Face of a Botecelli, body of a Degas
6. She takes an interest in everything
7. She's actually paying attention to me?
7 celebrity crushes
1. Natalie Portman
2. Jennifer Connelly (pre-anorexic days, Dark City, Career Opportunites!)
3. Julie Delpy
4. Carmen Electra
5. Jessica Simpson (with tape over mouth please)
6. First crush - Sussana Hoffs of The Bangles (I'd still walk like an Egyptian)
7. Second crush - Bernadette Peters
Dearest Jaime,
Thank you for dumbing down your very intelligent blog just to entertain my silly request for the list of 7s. You and your lovely music-less Jewish self did not disappoint...except JESSICA SIMPSON??? Are you fucking kidding me with that??! What is it with all you smart, funny boys that like the dumbest girls on earth? I know she's hot and all but good LORD - aren't there plenty of hot celebs that are smart too? So you don't have to go to the trouble of taping a mouth (unless you're into that sort of thing, in which case, good on ya, mate)
You know those are hair extensions, right??
OK, I'm done now.
thank you for dumbing down your very intelligent blog just so i could understand it. i'm just a waitress. we don't know about no government.
yeah...and jessica, mate?
OK! OK! I'm changing Jessica Simpson to Jessica Alba. Also a Jessica, and ooooh sooo nice :)
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