Saturday, October 22, 2005

Don't confuse capitalist democracy for pro-American

Since the defeat of the USSR and the end of the cold war, most Soviet satellite countries have turned to democracy and most of those have been pro-American. Poland and Ukraine are probably the best examples. And without their Soviet northern neighbors, China has slowly shifted to a capitalist country while still retaining its communist title. It's still an overbearing government with many restrictions and though a tipping point has been reached for a booming economy, don't be surprised if corruption and big brother go hand in hand with all this new free capital. But what made me write this blog is what has been going on in India. A communist leaning country during the cold war, it has recently become a free market that has, like China, grown exponentially. But this summer President Singh met with Bush and came away with a junior membership in the nuclear nation club. (Every nuke nation before 1974). And with very little in return, things they should be doing anyway, they will now be a nuclear superpower instead of a rogue nuclear state. Bush's plan is to please India in case China turns sour. It's going to be really amazing to watch China and India, neighboring countries, become economic super powers at the same time. We're even helping India develop it's space plans which will actually make it capable to hit us with a nuke. It can already hit all it's neighbors just fine. And I don't know Bush thinks he's doing by trying to feed one growing beast (India) in hopes it will scare another beast we're feeding (China) so they both won't go after us, all the while loosening the leash. With China's arsenal growing daily, India is on a path to have literally hundreds of nuclear warheads by the beginning of the next decade. A nuclear arms race is what speed up the defeat of the USSR by basically bankrupting them into defeat. But that will hardly work on two countries who's economies are growing faster than any country before them, AT THE SAME TIME! There is very little in common with these two countries so it might seem like I'm jumping the gun here to assume they'd aim their guns at each other but this is the century that will be framed about who can get what resources from where first. Alternative energy sources can only go so far so fast in a world built on fossil fuels. And this goes for our own country too which will only grow in oil consumption as it's percentage of world fuel share shrinks. The oil grab will be furious and out of control and it's really going to be a matter of making sure that there are as few nukes and as many safety nets as possible before we all realize we've grown too big for this planet. It almost feels like it's 1905 and Germany has just developed it's plan "just in case" it has to go to war with France and England and the in turn have developed thier own plan "just in case" as well. Let's make sure our "just in cases" are peaceful solutions when our Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand get's blown up.


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