Friday, November 11, 2005

Well, it's official, I'm a terrorist again.

The beard is back and it has been about a month to the day since I shaved last. Needless to say it is growing handsomely and has taken on a life of it's own. Just like it used to be. (I use Herbal Essenses conditioner, the purple one, for it FYI)
So here we go again with the odd looks and the, "OK, he looks Jewish but he could be Liberian. I'm just not sure. What's that in his hand? It looks like a case of some sort, and it's black!" It's a fucking portfolio bag people! If I'm looking a little distraut it's cause I'm running late for somewhere, not the land of 72 virgins, somehwere on this astral plane. I can't wait till I have to fly again. My electric toothbrush always goes over well. But being in NY with the constent ringing of the "You are subject to a random search by the NY MTA," I guess it really can't get any worse.
But in the end, fuck it. Look at me like that, be suspicious, I actually feel safer knowing you don't trust my beard. What a world we live in where I feel safer for that reason. And of course I'm looking at you too little old lady with that oversized bag and whatever contents may be shifting around in there or mr. homeless man with one too may cans in his cart. The man with the beard is just as paranoid as you are.


At 5:52 PM, Blogger concha said...

that little tuft of hair just below yur chin is called a "flavor saver."

At 4:24 PM, Blogger concha said...

and also..

my dad used to say this all the time, i dont know why..cause he never had facial hair but anyway...

see my beard
ain't it weird?
don't be skeered (scared)
it's just a beard

At 6:41 PM, Blogger Single, Party of One said...

AHHHHHHH - she said "flavor saver"on your blog, man! Jaime's a dirty whore! hahahahahah

Don't feel bad - the past 2 times I've flown I've been shuffled to the side for inspection. And I'd shaved my beard! Who knew?


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