Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Even his distractions are underfunded!

Now that there's the Katrina debacle, Frist and Delay in trouble, Harriet Miers down the tubes, and PlameGate Bush has found his distraction in the avian flu epidemic. Today he proposed $7.2 billion. He wants to spend $1.2 billion stockpiling flu vaccines. What the hell is the point of stockpiling flu vaccines that have no impact on the bird flu? The only good thing was spending a few billion on finding a better way to manufacture the flu vaccine which is still done today by infecting one bird egg at a time which takes months to make. Of course it's way too little money to get anything done and years and years too late because it will take that long for any progress to be made on that front. The fact is, when the avian epidemic hits it will take a few weeks to make a vaccine and months to create any significant amount of it and years to get to everyone who will need it which will be all 6.3 billion of us. And since he says this is going to be mostly a local run effort because it will be the local officials and hospitals that will have to micromanage everything he's designated a few hundred million for all 50 states to prepare. That's enough to buy everyone a shot of freakin' Nyquil! And because this is going to be a global epidemic that will start in Asia, he's sending a couple hundred million their way too. Woopdeefreakindo!
Nice try Bushy but luckily Harry Reid, in his first balsy move ever, brought the subject back to Iraq by calling shenanigans on the intelligence committee for not following through on its investigation on whether or not Bush hyped up any pre-war intelligence. In July of last year they said they would be done soon. It took Reid's calling for a closed session to get the republican controlled Senate to promise to have phase 2 done by Nov. 16th. Republicans are calling this a stunt. I call it some fucking balls! Where have you been Dems? Finally!


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