Saturday, November 26, 2005

$2.99?! $2.99!?

I wrote this on Friday and forgot to post it. Silly me with my 100 hour work week.
The turkey has settled into somewhere in my body and is going into hybernation for the winter. Triptophan is a tranquilizer to keep you sedated so you don't notice the turkey just sits in your body keeping you "beefy" till spring. A Native American taught me that. And so I was going through the usual black friday ads and revelling in the after mail-in-rebate prices of tech stuff. $9.99 for a bluetooth headset, $7.99 for 90 CDRs, $2.99 for a comp-usa brand airport hub (Apple's goes for $199 fyi), and $2.99 for a wireless adapter for our computer, I mean come on! Give me some of that! I just bought a wireless hub used off ebay for $40. And then I made it to the store in the city after work and nothing was there, I mean NOTHING. And you know you'd think I would have learned by now if I don't get run over by fat 40 somethings in WalMart I'm not gonna get anything at a discounted price. Such is life.


At 9:41 AM, Blogger concha said...

can u get me one of those routers? the rican ordered one on ebay...but it was DOA.


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