My prescription needs a refill
Cleaning up my room as I prepared for the move, I came across my long forgotten pack of Iosat pills. They're good till around next year at this time. These pills were handed out to everyone living in the secondary blast radius of Indian Point. First blast radius being the area where people will just be incinerated. Indian Point is my local nuclear power plant and the pills are to keep my kidney's from melting. Or is it my liver? I get 7 pills for me and 7 for any survivor I've found. I searched my wallet and found the first two in my "secret" zipped compartment.
Indian Point is the oldest operating nuclear power plant in the nation and has been closed and opened so many times due to leaks and violations it reminds me of my crappy Chinese restaurant up in Hamilton, NY where I went to college. And because of that college, Indian Point and I have become well acquainted. I would pass it every time on my way up north. One time I was passing it while listening to the radio as an announcer said there was a radiation leak and it just happened to be raining at the time. I closed my windows and air vent and held my breath, futiley of course because that wouldn't have done anything and also because the nuclear steam leak turned out not to be hazardous. (Though I wonder how any nuclear steam can be classified as such.)
There was a documentary done on Indian Point by HBO seeing as how the third blast radius out of Indian Point contains the nation's largest city. Sorry guys, no Iosat pills for you. They interviewed my town's sheriff to find out how our evacuation would work. Single lane road out of the area, yeah that'll work. And it turns out security on the plant is so lax, basically anything can crash right into from land or air, and start the chain reaction.
I guess my question is, if oil won't last and nuclear is going to mean dealing with this, at least for now, why are we so stuck against solar, wind, biofuel, and other renewable energies? Is it because they don't have lobbyists in DC? Is it because windfarms are as "not in my backyard" an issue as nuclear powerplants are? Is it because initial costs mean people won't pay for them? If my choice is between holding my breath as I pass Indian Point and crossing my fingers (which I'll be doing tomorrow on my way to Bear Mountain) versus a higher energy bill (which will go down as infrastructure is in place and supplies become mainstream) I think I'll take the eye soar windfarm.
I wonder where I go to get a refill on my pills.
james, the world is gonna end in 2012. it's true.
i read it on the internet.
it's not a questions of if...but a question of when....
Two years worth of freeze-dried food.
1400 gallons of water.
600 batteries.
Semi-automatc rifle.
Shitload of ammo.
Iosat pills? Dammit! I don't have those!
Do they have those at
I am the Devil.
I want you
to shut up about Indian Point,
because for me to get
such a great riverfront condo
was real hard
and I will turn
your gonads into
little iodine pills
if you get me evicted!!
Lucifer Beelzebub
Nookelodian IV,
master of Evil
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