For the right and wrong reasons
As the hoopla over Vice President Dick Cheney continues lets try not to let this hunting accident, this hilariously silly hunting accident, overshadow the real reasons why Dick Cheney shouldn't be around. I mean it's been two hundred years since a vice president shot anyone and that time Aaron Burr shot back and killed the guy. He gets into office, immediately creates record breaking tax cuts for all his rich buddies, especially gracious awards to oil companies, has a secret meeting with these tycoon CEO's keeps it top secret and gives them everything they don't need, more money, no bid contracts for his company Halliburton, ousts a CIA agent, leaves the blame on his fiercely loyal chief of staff, lies about WMD's, continues to insinuate Saddam had something to do with 9/11, hires and fires based on loyalties, like-minded thinking, and cronyism instead of actual skill, and the list goes on. And when he didn't get his way he told Senator Patrick Lehey to go fuck himself in the halls of the very public Senate building.
Frankly the closest job description this "skill set" belongs to is mob boss. He'd fit in quite well over at BadaBings once he has someone take out Tony Soprano I'd have to say. The jokes are so easy it actually took time for people to come up with some of them simply for that reason. I've heard the "Cheney's got a gun" song I've seen the pics of the different ways Cheney can kill you. And it's all a barrel of laughs that rightfully should be enjoyed. And on the completely other side of things, this guy, after one of the pellets found it's way to his heart, had a heart attack and almost died. That would have made Cheney guilty of involuntary manslaughter and a man would be dead. Horribly serious and horrible in just every single way. It's the closest line I've seen in a long time between hilarious and grave.
We're all, especially we in these early years of our lives, quite cynical about government. But it's Dick and his buddies that are giving us reason to be so cynical. It should only take honesty and hard work to make us believe in government again. Not even someone from another party (though that would be nice), just someone who lets us trust our government. Let's hate Dick Cheney, not Washington DC.
thank god for the got milk commercial, or i'd have no idea what you were talking about. ;)
Oh my God! You actually said his name out loud. HeWhoMustNotBeNamed will put you on his list if you aren't careful! Let us know when you get audited. We saw this week what he does with his FRIENDS.
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