Friday, July 14, 2006

Bullies never go away

My girlfriend introduced me to her DVD collection of Freaks and Geeks last night. I saw the first and one of the last episodes. Apparently there were bullies in high school in 1980; shocking I know. But for the past few days, as I turn on the news any time now I see the beginnings of WWIII starting in the middle east I'm starting to see a connection. Hamas is a minority in Palestine. The Radical Clerics in Iran are a minority. And Hezbollah in Lebanon and Syria also make up a very small part of their countries. It's a wonder they have been able to do what they do when a majority of people in their countries want nothing to do with this violence. But then again what were the Nazis but a bunch of drunks in the early 1920's screaming that they'll take over the world only to be arrested for drunken disorderly conduct. Bullies are always a minority, but their intimidation goes unchecked for one reason or another that I don't think any of us have ever figured out. Otherwise parents would know what to say to their kids when a bully comes by. Rather than just "Ignore him," or "Try to talk it out with him," or of course "Tell a teacher." Cause that always works.
Hezbollah is now (probably taking it's cues, guns, and money from Iran so the world ignores their Nuclear Program especially during the G8 summit going on right now) kidnapping Israelis and launching rockets into Israel as far and as much as they can. Every one of their acts is technically an act of war. And I ask myself what the Israelis, all 5 million of them in a sea of 150 million Muslims, can do? I understand they have arrested criminals. I understand they have killed not only terrorists and conspirators but also innocent women and children as "collateral damage" but nothing they have every done in any way compares to the horrible acts of aggression Hamas and Hezbollah do almost every day. Remember, almost every Muslim country does not recognize Israel's right to even exist. Israel has always, always just wanted to exist, to be left to their land and live their lives.
I think one of the biggest PR moves ever made by the Muslim nations was during the '67 war. Before that, Israel was a little country that had to be protected by Europe. It was a liberal cause. Then Israel was able to defend itself against 3 enemies at the same time and even gain ground in the war. But what Israel lost that day was the liberal cause because Israel went from a country of 5 million surrounded by a sea of 150 million to an occupying force of Palestinian refugees without a country (not that they had a country before then or that any and I mean ANY Muslim country would take them in). The liberals moved their cause to the Palestinians and when I lived on the west coast all I saw all over Berkeley were stickers under STOP signs that said Israel.
What is a bully who loses a fight? And what is a picked on kid that stands up for himself and wins but is never out of danger because the bullies are still there? And what can Principal America do about it? Maybe I'll have to go watch Strangers with Candy and see what Amy Sedaris would do.


At 8:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post, Jaime. As I'm writing this, I'm watching the Security Council meeting about the Israel/Lebanon situation, and what I'm hearing is amazing -- All of the countries are condemning Israel for its "disproportionate response." All except the US, who, along with the Israeli ambassador (who gave an excellent speech), condemned Hezbollah and called out Syria and Iran specifically for their meddling in the region. They also called on Lebanon to excercise their rights and take back the southern region, which is under the boot of Hezbollah. I hate the fact that even though Israels soveirgnty was violated and their citizens under terror, they are somehow not "allowed" to respond just because they are Israel.

At 7:51 PM, Blogger concha said...

you know what i wish? even if you don't want to know, i'll tell you. if we're really about to see the big WW III (whoohoo, that rhymed) can someone kindly let me know? i mean, give me a confident affirmative. cause if the world's about to blow up, i wanna just cash out now and go on world's biggest coke binge. all this planning for my future's a real drag. just sayin'.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger Check me out: said...

bullies exist because they accept violence as a means to an end. the majority of people do not. that's the problem.

that's some mess out there, but this could be an opportunity for israel. for the first time, they aren't being blamed for starting it; they're just being blamed for their intensity. that's a big big big step in my eyes. it's very difficult to exonerate hezbollah in all this.

i'm just saying this might be a chance to israel to finally eliminate the bullies in that part of the world. it's an opening. it might be justified in their eyes.

then again, maybe nothing can change things out there.

At 10:18 AM, Blogger Jaime Schwarz said...

Ah Steve, no one ever blames the Jews (at least not Arabs) for starting anything. Israel was attacked in '48 and fought back and won territory. They were attacked in '67 with the same outcome. I just read Bill Krisof's peice in the Times and he said something interesting. That when Syria killed 20,000 arabs in Lebanon not much outrage occured. But when Israel came into Lebanon, people were outraged over the targeted killings of Israels against Arabs. He also said something very important about Israeli sway. Israel can influence states, but not terrorist groups. By having a stronger Syria and Lebanon that can control it's own peoples, Israel can influence them. If these countries give in to the bullies of Hezbullah, Israel will not have any chance of stopping these kidnappings and rocket powered grenades any time soon. If Israel can truly disarm Hezbolah, this will have been worth it. Otherwise, the photos and film of Israeli tanks in foreign lands will just give more fodder for the Arabs to use against Israel for years to come. And still I hope for the best.

At 5:40 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yo Jaimers-
First time I've checked your blog in a long long time as I've been MIA. Yowwzers?! Deep deep thoughts here. Ummmmm. Comin' up with, ummmm.... I got nuffin to reply. I'm stayin' outta that sheee ite. But I didnt know you have a girly girl. What's the story? Best to ya. BG is doing great.


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