United behind boycotting this film
This weekend I went to see The Inside Man with my brother at the movies. Not one of Spike's best movies and Clive Owen, though great can't do American for shit. But that's all just a side note. During the previews I saw a trailer for United93 which is a dramatic telling of what happened on 9/11 to United flight 93. Not one of the planes that flew into the twin towers, not the one that hit the Pentagon, but the other one that seemed to have been foiled by the passengers on board. The movie looks like it's just an as complete as possible telling of that morning, the flight, and as many different perspectives as possible. I'm sure they'll try and be as tastefull as possible and there's a link to a memorial fund but...
It's too soon. It's too soon. It's too soon. Hollywood is a profit hungry machine. When that Arnold Schwarzenneger movie was about to come out about terrorism they didn't junk it or hold off, they moved the release date down only a matter of months and poof, there was Arny, going after terrorists. And that was that bad cause it wasn't blatant, it wasn't made with 9/11 in mind. This movie is. They're site makes it all as serious as possible, you can go to all the different locations in America that had to do with that morning and see who did what when. This isn't a documentary, this is a money making film created to squeeze the cash right out of our bleeding hearts.
I can't help but think of the guerilla advertising that I, my friends, colleagues, et al. do. We take an idea and create a world around it, make it serious so it's as real as possible, and in the end, it's all to sell some paper towels or a car. But that's all for entertainment's sake based on selling a product. I created a whole story about a woman being so fat she got stuck in her house and sued Domino sugar because of it. All for entertainment's and Domino's sake to sell some sugar packets. And there's lots of stuff like this.
But in the end, it's sugar. It's not about one of the most important, emotionally jarring, life/world changing events in my or anyone around's lifetime. We're not ready, decency cannot allow this crap to be shown. Please join me and boycot this movie. And wait till it's 2066 to show some piece of crap action movie with Josh Hartnett's, Ben Affleck's, and Cate Beckensale's grandkids in the starring roles.
Check it out for yourself at flight93.net. Incidentally united93.com is a site for a Brit football team.
I have to agee with you, Jaimer. It is too soon considering clean up is still going on in that area. Didn't they just find more human remains the other day in the former Deutsch Bank building? When parts of people are STILL being recovered it should be a pretty clear signal to hold off on any such film. Once the new building is built and furnished then we'll talk. Until then, fuck off Hollywood.
is this what goes on at womb parties? i had no idea...
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