Hey MA I'm in da paper!
If you get the New York Times, my first, albeit shitty, ad is on the bottom of page A19 today for Harvey Electronics. That's right, the first section baby!
If you get the New York Times, my first, albeit shitty, ad is on the bottom of page A19 today for Harvey Electronics. That's right, the first section baby!
I was just reading an article in the economist, yes concha, the economist as usual, and I read this article worrying that when the babbyboomers retire they'll all sell their stocks, cashing in to spend their non-working lives putting around golf courses in their million dollar mc-condos. The problem with a mass sell off like that is a massive devaluation of the stock market because there won't be enough people to buy up the stock at their current prices. But the article tried to assuage fears of course by talking about the rising tide of 3rd world countries into 1st world level economies able to buy up the stocks Americans won't. But their second pacifying tactic is what scared me the most, the hope of an ever older group of seniors. One man said with cancer probably being cured in most cases by 2020 and other advances in technology and care, the average age of death might well reach 120. With people not only living longer but working longer, they'll be able to keep society advancing skill wise. High School used to be all you needed to make it into middle management. Now it's college. But soon it will be grad school. I was in out out of ad school for 5 years after I graduated with a BA just to get this low paying job. The point being, the twixter generation, living at home, continuing their education into even our 30's means an aging entry level work force. What does that mean? Stability and adulthood comes later and humans grow at a much more advanced but slower pace. In other words 32 is the new 22. All of that is well and good, no problem with giving an ever advancing culture's youth more time to take in all it needs to learn. But evolution will not follow. It'll take 100,000 for our bodies to slow down to where our culture is. So women will still be menopausal in their 40's. And that's the part that's really going to change society. Of course it is the norm for younger woman to marry older men. I think the average has hovered around a 4 year difference. But now men won't be able or ready to marry till their much older due to the lengthening of young-adulthood. Yet women will be forced to marry younger than society wants them to if they want to have kids. So the teenagers of 2040 will swoon over a 65 year old Brad Pitt.
You know after a show if you sit around long enough, maybe cause you're too high or drunk, maybe cause the crowd's so thick you're still waiting to leave and the stage is empty but you just kinda sit and stare at it. And then after a while a janitor or a roadie walks by to the microphone and he kind of builds up a little courage even though there's only like 5 people out of 50,000 that are still looking at the stage and he does his little show. I guess that's me now.