Monday, September 26, 2005

This President is disgusting (originally posted Septemeber 10, 2005)

We've all been living through this horrific event in piecemeal, finding incompetence after incompetence. And all of it up to now has been about our leaders, local and federal, being lazy, ignorant, and/or complaisant.
But now President Bush is actively tearing down, even further, what little is left of The Gulf Coast. He has just suspended the law that requires employers to pay the local minimum wage for every job ($14/hour for electrician working on a levee, $9 for a trucker) and replace it with the federal minimum wage.
All this does is keep the locals (you better believe every gulf coast native will try to get a construction job as close as they can to where they want to come back to) even more stuck in their poverty. It keeps money out of the region we're all trying to send money to. It will slow economic growth in the region and make it harder for our refugees to get off government subsidies. But I don't even know why I'm writing what the consequences of this are. We all no how horrible this act is in the name of saving the taxpayers money by "lowering bureaucratic expenses." I know we can save a lot of money by not paying "Brownie" and Michale Chertoff who sure as hell didn't earn their paychecks this month. Bureaucracies are middle men not the ones actually rebuilding the levees. How many letters will I (and hopefully you) be writing to ALL of our government officials to actively stop the madness!?


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